Providing the best dental treatment to our patients. Our team of specialized doctors do lay special emphasis on safety and providing quality dental treatment. Visit us to discuss your dental condition and to know how can we help you attain a healthy and beautiful smile.
Our Dentists deliver success, smile after smile. As a team, we are committed to providing high quality dental care in a friendly environment. Our dentists are all members of the Australian Dental Association (ADA), & we strive to constantly upgrade our skills and knowledge.
We specialize in dental procedures including dental implants, teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, smile corrections, gap closures, fixed teeth, root canal treatment, gum surgery, braces, kids dentistry, laser dentistry, wisdom teeth extractions, dental X-rays, etc.
Glenwood Shopping Centre
4/60, Glenwood Park Drive
Tel: 02 8883 5222
Fax: 02 8883 5293
Hassall Grove
Hassall Grove Shopping Centre
10/211 Buckwell Drive
Tel: 02 8678 0882
Fax: 02 9628 8888